A finger prick
If you test negative for HIV, you don’t have to worry anymore. If you test positive, you will receive medicine that will keep you healthy. Treated HIV also makes you infection-free during sex. At many of our Noaks Ark associations, you can take a quick answer HIV test. A finger-prick test – that’s all.
It is important to test yourself
HIV is a virus that causes a chronic infection. There is still no cure for HIV, but in Sweden HIV treatment works so well that people with HIV have the same life expectancy as everyone else. Treatment must be started as early as possible, as untreated HIV infection can lead to serious complications, and in the long run can be life-threatening. That is why it is important to get tested if you are exposed to HIV risk.
Protect yourself and others
Not everyone who has HIV has taken an HIV test. As a result, they are not taking any HIV medications. It is still important to use a condom if you are unsure. We need to protect ourselves and each other!
During the summer, many people travel to a greater extent and in connection with that can act more risk-taking than usual. According to a survey by the Public Health Authority, approximately 12% are infected in Sweden, the rest are infected while travelling. We want to draw attention to this and therefore highlight the importance of protecting yourself during this period.