One or more people who, in their commitment, research, or other activities, have made significant contributions with relevance to the HIV issue, who have not yet received due recognition and attention, can be named award winners of Guldarken. Guldarken was awarded for the first time together with Noaks Ark Stockholm’s 30th anniversary celebration on October 6, 2016. Due to the corona pandemic, Guldarken was paused in 2020 and 2021.
Guldarken 2022
Riksförbundet Noaks Ark Guldarken Prize 2022 is awarded to the artist and actor Andreas Lundstedt for his significant efforts in the field of HIV.
“I am incredibly honored to receive this award. I want it to be a natural thing to be able to talk about HIV, to share knowledge and fears, and to work against the stigma. Dare to ask “stupid questions”. When I found out I had HIV I thought I was going to die. That the virus would eat me from the inside. I never want anyone to have to experience that feeling again. Because it is not true. It doesn’t work like that anymore.”
In its justification, Noaks Ark highlights that no other person has done as much to change attitudes in society and reduce the stigma around HIV as Andreas. With great courage and strong commitment, he continuously highlights the HIV issue in our media, in his own productions, and in the book Mitt positiva liv. Andreas has for a long time carried out very significant and appreciated volunteer work for Noaks Ark and is a respected spokesperson for issues related to HIV.
Listen to the Noaks Ark podcast episode with Andreas “my calling is to talk about HIV.” (Link to Podbean)

Previous award winners
2016 Margareta Böttiger, state epidemiologist in the years 1976–1993. Her pioneering efforts were instrumental in raising the issue of HIV in healthcare, among decision-makers, the media and the public.
2017 Janina Ludawska, 96, from Tensta. Janina Ludawska is one of Sweden’s earliest committed volunteers in HIV prevention and psychosocial support aimed at people living with HIV.
2018 Lorraine Sherr, José Catalan and Barbara Hedge who in 1991 initiated and organized on a completely voluntary basis a first international psychosocially oriented HIV conference, AIDS Impact.
2019 Inger Forsgren who has given voice to women with HIV, people who inject drugs and live with HIV and more recently to aging with HIV.