Regional trainings

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Knowledge about HIV is important to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. We offer training, continuing education and lectures for private individuals and for various professional groups who come into contact with HIV.


For you who work in healthcare

Can you answer questions about HIV from your patient or a relative?
Are you up to date with the latest? Do you know in which situations you should suggest an HIV test? What treatment does a patient who has HIV or a relative expect?

For you who work in elderly care and home care

The treatment of HIV today is fantastic and means that those who have HIV live as long as the rest of the population. The number of patients and users with HIV who need to use society’s care for the elderly will therefore increase. Do you have the skills required to provide a good reception?

For you who work with children and young people at school or various leisure venues

A full course day with the goal of providing you with pedagogical tools and factual knowledge that facilitate the teaching of sex and cohabitation issues. After the day, you should feel safer talking about HIV and have a greater understanding of the problems surrounding the disease.

For you who work in substance abuse care

For those of you who work in substance abuse care, there is a need to be up to date with the latest on HIV. It is both about treatment and being able to give patients correct information about HIV and other blood-borne diseases and how they are passed on.

For you who work in correctional services

For those of you who work in the criminal justice sector, there is every reason to keep up to date with the latest information on HIV. It is both about treatment and knowledge about how the treatment today effectively contributes to a reduced risk of HIV transmission.

Read more about our specific courses here:

Knowledge of HIV is a full-day training for those who want to know more or update your knowledge about HIV. The training goes through (with the reservation that arrangements may vary):

  • basic facts about HIV
  • contagiousness
  • treatment
  • HIV testing
  • societal aspects
  • living with HIV
  • Noaks Ark’s experiences of working with concerns about HIV

Course dates
There are currently no dates set. Contact your nearest Noah’s Ark association for more information.

How is HIV transmitted? How is HIV not contagious? How is the immune system affected? How does HIV treatment work? Noah’s Ark gives you more knowledge about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. We can arrange lectures for schools, higher educations, professionals and companies. Contact your nearest Noah’s Ark association for more information.

Book a lecture for workplaces, authorities or schools
Get more knowledge about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at a training or lecture. You learn more about HIV, routes of transmission, treatment, the epidemic situation and you gain insight into what it can be like to live with HIV.

Noah’s Ark is often hired by companies, authorities and schools where we carry out tailored HIV training. We adapt the content according to wishes and needs. Examples of groups that have previously hired us:

  • aid organizations
  • domestic service
  • colleges and universities
  • the correctional service
  • teachers and school staff
  • migrant organizations
  • The Swedish Migration Agency
  • substance abuse treatment
  • different types of accommodation
  • SFI schools (students and teachers)
  • social services
  • educational institutions (nurses, teachers, police officers, etc.)
    nursing staff
  • The range and opportunities to arrange training and lectures may vary between our various Noah’s Ark associations.

    Can you answer questions about HIV from your patient or a relative?
    Are you up to date with the latest? Do you know in which situations you should suggest an HIV test? What treatment does a patient who has HIV or a relative expect?

    Our Noah’s Ark associations have training, seminars and lectures specifically adapted for those who work in healthcare. Take part in the latest findings on treatment and routes of infection. Get answers to questions about situations that may arise in your work.

    Course structure
    Layout, content and specific target group may vary depending on the specific target group. Contact your nearest Noah’s Ark for more information.

    A full-day training course for those who work with young people in school or at leisure venues
    Welcome to a full day where we alternate facts with discussions about beliefs, prejudices and attitudes to sex and cohabitation and HIV. The course day gives you up-to-date knowledge about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as educational tools and methods for sex and cohabitation education and discussions with young people.

    The course is organized by Noah’s Ark Stockholm and RFSU Stockholm.


  • The course day will give you educational tools and factual knowledge that will facilitate the teaching of sex and cohabitation issues.
  • After the day, you should feel safer talking about HIV and have a greater understanding of the problems surrounding the disease.
  • Content

  • Basic medical facts about HIV and other STI transmission routes, contagiousness, treatment, prevalence.
  • How do you talk about HIV? Insight into what it can be like to live with HIV
  • Different perspectives and approaches to sex and cohabitation education
  • Practical methods for teaching sex and cohabitation (conversational and factual methods)
  • For those of you who work in correctional services, it is also good to keep up to date with the latest information on HIV. It is both about treatment and being able to provide correct information. About the importance of early detection of HIV and how treatment today can effectively contribute to a reduced risk of infection, with lower risks for both inmates and staff.

    Course structure
    Layout, content and specific target group may vary depending on the target group. Contact your nearest Noah’s Ark for more information.

    The HIV Training Course is a course for those who want to learn more about HIV and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections). The course gives you basic knowledge about HIV both from a medical and a humanitarian point of view. The course includes:

    • Facts about HIV
    • Sexuality
    • HIV in the world
    • Working with people living with and affected by HIV
    • Personal experiences

    This cource is giving on demand. Please contact your nearest Noaks Ark for more information.

    Since 2002, Karolinska Institutet with course leader Anna Mia Ekström has held this course in collaboration with Noah’s Ark. The goal is to provide updated practical knowledge about, and a more informed approach to, HIV from a global sociobiological perspective.

    The course (7.5 points) is aimed at those who have an interest in HIV and global health. The goal is to provide updated practical knowledge about HIV and a more informed approach to HIV from a global socio-biological perspective. The course analyzes both the individual’s and society’s role in HIV prevention and treatment and how it relates to knowledge, attitudes, stigma, sexuality, gender roles, economy and social situation.

    HIV will be discussed from different perspectives with a starting point in human rights, philosophy and morality, socio-economics and cultural and biological myths. The course is also medically oriented with the latest news from the research front, for example regarding research into vaccines and cures. The course’s lectures/seminars are held in Noah’s Ark’s premises in central Stockholm one evening per week.

    What do you really know about HIV & AIDS?
    – How many people have HIV and who are most at risk of being infected?
    – Why do over 30 percent of the young population in South Africa have HIV?
    – In countries where many do not have clean water or access to measles vaccine, how can you give millions of people life-long HIV treatment?
    – Why is HIV still spreading among both homosexuals and heterosexuals in Sweden when we know so much about how to protect ourselves?
    – Is it really a human right to know the HIV status of one’s partner before sex?
    – How do the medicines work?
    – Will there be an HIV vaccine?
    – When and how effective can it be?
    – What is it like to live with HIV?

    The purpose of the course
    The course aims at a broader and deeper understanding of the complexity of the global HIV epidemic, prevention and treatment options. HIV is highlighted from different perspectives; medicine, socioeconomics, gender, sexuality and the Swedish approach from a global point of view.

    Who can apply?
    Anyone interested in learning more about HIV. No special prior knowledge is needed (apart from ordinary high school qualification). Perhaps you work professionally with HIV or global health development, know someone who is HIV positive, live with HIV yourself or for some other reason have become interested in HIV. Regardless of background, HIV raises many questions and the course wants to create a broad basis for discussions, where knowledge and experiences can be exchanged and discussed.

    Contact the respective local association for current training courses.

    Riksförbundet Noaks Ark

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    Reliable answers about HIV

    You can turn to our counseling and ask any questions you want regarding HIV or other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases and remain completely anonymous. The call is not registered on your phone bill.

    We who answer the phones have over 30 years of experience working with HIV. We are available for you on non-holiday weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. During week 29 and week 30, we are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


