Cognitive psychotherapy and individual conversations.
Noaks Ark offers practical, emotional, and informational support. This is for you who are living with HIV and your close relatives and friends. It is also for you who need to talk and receive information about HIV. We who work here have the right education and have many years of experience.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Do you need help understanding or dealing with your problems? Living with HIV can mean an increased vulnerability to suffering from depression, anxiety, and relationship problems. Cognitive psychotherapy and behavioral therapy (CBT) can be a way of finding balance in your life.
Cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy are based on your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You receive help in understanding the connection between them. The method is an established form of treatment for e.g. depression, anxiety, attachment, and relationship problems.
Noaks Ark has educated therapists who have extensive knowledge of HIV and many years of experience working with HIV-related issues. In addition to the care given at the infection clinics in Stockholm County, we offer psychotherapy for a limited time at no cost for people living with HIV and for people more likely to get an HIV infection.
If you want to know more about cognitive therapy, you can find more information here.
Psykoterapi över internet
Har du svårt att ta dig till oss eller tänker du att du hellre vill kunna få hjälp med psykoterapi från hemmet? Vi erbjuder psykoterapi över internet med hjälp av videosamtal och mellan samtalen arbetar du själv med olika självhjälpsuppgifter. För att kunna få hjälp av oss med psykoterapi över internet behöver du ha en stabil och snabb bredbandsuppkoppling, kunna tala svenska eller engelska och förstå svenska i skrift.
Psychotherapy over the Internet
Noaks Ark Stockholm collaborates with Per Åkefeldt, specialist in psychiatry, who runs a psychiatric clinic in Old Town in Stockholm. Per has a collaboration agreement with the region, which means that you as a patient pay SEK 350/visit. If you reach the sum for the high-cost protection of SEK 1,150, that gives you a free pass for the rest of the year.
Read more about Per Åkefeldt and his practice on the website.
You can get a referral to Per Åkefeldt from our therapists.
Stina Gräntz
Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Psychotherapist
+46 (0)8–700 46 15
Skicka e-mailSvenska, English