
Familjearken works for children, young people and families living with HIV through knowledge, community and meaningful activities.

Noaks Ark Stockholm offers activities and participation through Familjearken, which is part of our support activities. For this we have a close collaboration with the Children’s HIV Centre. We are unique in that we include the entire target group in the activity and in that we include families, children and young people living with HIV and meet their common and different needs.

Our vision is that we together develop a new generation of families living with HIV. Through our activities, we contribute to reduced stigma, increased quality of life and well-being, which fundamentally changes the view of HIV. In meeting each other, we become stronger and united by common denominators, we can push the HIV issue forward towards normalization and build bridges across generations.

Families living with HIV look different! Sometimes there is one person in the family living with an HIV diagnosis and sometimes there are several. Sometimes it is the child who lives with an HIV diagnosis or the adult, and sometimes it is both. What these families have in common is that they all live with HIV, but often in different ways.

Are you…
…child or youth (under 18) living with HIV,
…parent living with HIV,
…parent or sibling of someone living with HIV,
… friend, relative or other relative of children and young people living with HIV.
Then Familjearken is a meeting place for you!

Familjearken is the name of our activities and interventions for families living with HIV. The name and the business are a result of our two previous projects Familjearken and Vän med Virus.


As a parent, we offer

  • Parents’ council (place for commitment and influence)
  • Digital and physical meetings for parents
  • Joint meetings and activities for the whole family. Check the calendar


Our meeting room is a fun place with games and play!


For you between 13 and 17 years.

  • Term meeting “Chill out” for young people and their friends and siblings.

The meeting is led by young adults living with HIV and volunteers.


As related parties, we offer:

Contact person

Emma Olsson
Team Leader Social Support

08–700 46 01

Skicka e-mail

Svenska, English

Noaks Ark Stockholm

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Reliable answers about HIV

You can turn to our counseling and ask any questions you want regarding HIV or other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases and remain completely anonymous. The call is not registered on your phone bill.

We who answer the phones have over 30 years of experience working with HIV. We are available for you on non-holiday weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. During week 29 and week 30, we are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


