Noaks Ark Stockholm - Hivtest Stockholm - Riksförbundet Noaks Ark

HIV test

Quick answer HIV Testing | Drop-in and booked appointment

Everyone is welcome.

It is important to find out if you have HIV as early as possible. This provides an opportunity for better care and treatment. It also contributes to reduced spreading of the infection to others. With us at Noaks Ark Stockholm, you can get a quick answer HIV test, it’s easy to take and free of charge. You will receive your answer within 20 minutes. While waiting for the answer, we have time to talk and ask questions about HIV and various sexually transmitted diseases. Experienced personnel are always present, and they are all subject to confidentiality so you can remain anonymous.

We offer HIV testing both as a drop-in and through booked appointments on non-holiday weekdays in central Stockholm, Eriksbergsgatan 46. The nearest subway station is Rådmansgatan. We can accommodate visitors in smaller wheelchairs.


Важливо рано з’ясувати, чи є у вас ВІЛ, оскільки це дає можливість для кращого догляду та лікування, а також сприяє зменшенню поширення інфекції. З нами ви можете легко і безкоштовно перевірити себе за допомогою швидкого тесту. Після введення в палець відповідь ви отримаєте протягом 15 хвилин. В очікуванні відповіді є можливість поговорити та задати питання про ВІЛ та різні венеричні захворювання. Досвідчені співробітники доступні в будь-який час і на них поширюється конфіденційність, ви можете бути анонімними.

Ми пропонуємо тестування на ВІЛ у центрі Стокгольма, Eriksbergsgatan 46. Найближча станція метро — Rådmansgatan. Ми можемо приймати відвідувачів на інвалідних візках, повідомте нас перед візитом, щоб ми могли правильно направити вас.

Drop in for an HIV test.
HIV test – Drop in reception

Eriksbergsgatan 46, Stockholm

Every Wednesday we have drop in clinic for rapid HIV test. Visit us between 4 and 8 PM at Eriksbergsgatan 46, Stockholm.

Every no-holiday Wednesday
at 4 pm-8 pm


Book an appointment for an HIV test

Eriksbergsgatan 46, Stockholm

Would you rather book a time that suits you better? You can use our online booking and immediately see when there is a time available. Scheduled appointments can be booked on all non-holiday weekdays. On Wednesdays we have opening hours during the evening. Are you two people who want to get tested at the same time? Book an appointment and come together at the booked time.

Rapid hiv testning

A rapid HIV test involves taking a small sample of blood from your finger and you will be given your results within 20 minutes. The test is free of charge and anonymous. While waiting for the result there is time for counseling and getting your questions answered.

We offer drop in for HIV testing on Wednesdays at 4-8 PM, you can also book an appointment online on a time that suits you. Adress: Eriksbergsgatan 46, closest Metro is T-Rådmansgatan.

Sexual violence

You can safely talk to the staff at Noaks Ark Stockholm about sexual violence, drugs, or if you have sex in a way you don’t feel good about. We collaborate with the healthcare system and other organizations. We can help you get in touch with these organizations if you so wish. We are of course bound by confidentiality.


We issue certificate upon request. A certificate is a formal and personal document in which a licenced nurse on duty certifies current test results for the patient. The patient then needs identification. Certificates are issued for, for example, visa applications and health examinations requested by companies or authorities. Certificates are issued for a cost of SEK 400, which is paid via Swish in connection with the test. Copy of the journal sheet is always free.

Personnel at the test reception

Medically responsible
Ellen Dahl Seffers
Business manager
Erica Kanon
Reference Laboratory

Karolinska The university laboratory, customer manager phone number: +46 (0)8-517 749 92

Noaks Ark Stockholm

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Reliable answers about HIV

You can turn to our counseling and ask any questions you want regarding HIV or other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases and remain completely anonymous. The call is not registered on your phone bill.

We who answer the phones have over 30 years of experience working with HIV. We are available for you on non-holiday weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. During week 29 and week 30, we are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


