About us
The association Noaks Ark Östergötland was formed in April 2008 and we work to increase the well-being and quality of life of people living with HIV and to prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By increasing awareness and knowledge about HIV, STIs and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), we can alleviate the vulnerability in society for people living with HIV and counteract exclusion, stigma, and discrimination.
Three areas of activity:
• Psychosocial support activities for people living with HIV and their relatives
• Preventive activities with preventive information and educational work on HIV, STI, SRHR issues, and treatment
• Test operations for HIV tests with quick answers in Norrköping and Linköping
Organizational goals
In our vision, people have good knowledge about HIV and the spread has decreased. It is no longer seen as shameful to have HIV. The quality of life for those living with HIV has improved, people are treated with respect and are not treated differently in society and in contact with authorities and healthcare. Healthcare has become better at diagnosing HIV infections.