
Everyone is welcome

People who come to us are not a homogenous group: They are young, elderly, men, women, and LGBTQ people.

We face various forms of vulnerability such as:

  • violence in close relationships
  • mental illness
  • financial vulnerability
  • migration issues
  • social vulnerability
  • problematic family relationships
  • sexual risk-taking and risk exposure

Our goal

Noaks Ark Mosaik’s overall goal is to increase access and accessibility to good sexual health for migrants in Skåne and Blekinge.

We achieve this by:

  • Increase the conditions for good sexual health among migrants.
  • Strengthen the conditions for migrants living with HIV and their relatives to improve their living situation
  • Increase access and accessibility for HIV testing with Motivational Conversations for vulnerable groups in the region

Our priority

Everyone has the right to good sexual health and that is our priority.

Priority groups:

  • Foreign-born people living with HIV and their relatives
  • People with sexual risk exposure
  • Men who have sex with men and who are in the migration process
  • LGBTQ people
  • New arrivals exposed to violence in close relationships
  • Other people in the migration process who live with high vulnerability

Our experience and knowledge give you peace of mind

  • Noaks Ark Mosaik offers a safe and free place for people living with HIV.
  • Noaks Ark Mosaik fights for a more equal, fairer, and more protective society for vulnerable people.

We offer great flexibility in treatment

We support the individual, which means a plan of various factors that affect the life situation of HIV-positive people around:

  • socioeconomic vulnerability,
  • matters in the migration process
  • problematic family relationships
  • help in contact with various authorities.


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Reliable answers about HIV

You can turn to our counseling and ask any questions you want regarding HIV or other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases and remain completely anonymous. The call is not registered on your phone bill.

We who answer the phones have over 30 years of experience working with HIV. We are available for you on non-holiday weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. During week 29 and week 30, we are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


