HIV statistics
In 2023, 304 new cases of HIV infection were reported in Sweden. Among the 40 cases transmitted in Sweden, 43% were transmitted during heterosexual contact and 48% during male-to-male sex. Among the 242 cases transmitted abroad, 38% were transmitted during heterosexual contact and 29% during male-to-male sex. 5% were transmitted during sharing of unclean injection equipment. For a large proportion, 20%, detailed information is not yet available.
The spread of HIV within Sweden remains stable and limited, with only 13% of all HIV transmissions reported to have occurred within the country. In 2023, Ukraine, Thailand and Uganda were the most common countries of HIV acquisition.
Most cases of HIV infection were reported in the 30-39 age group. In 2023, the median age of reported HIV infection was 38 years (range 1-79 years).
In contrast to the global situation, more men than women were reported to have HIV infection in Sweden. Those infected within the country were more likely to be male (78%) and had a higher median age (41 years) than those infected abroad.
Most new HIV cases were reported from metropolitan areas. The largest proportion (42%) was reported from the Stockholm region, both among people who reported having contracted HIV in Sweden and among those infected abroad.
Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten