
Noaks Ark on Youtube

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We should know better – Four films about HIV

Many people living with HIV refrain from telling people about their illness due to fear of the reactions of those around them. In these films, four people with experience talk about some of the common reactions. They also talk about some misconceptions regarding what is true and what is not true about HIV. The films are produced by the County Council in Östergötland together with the Public Health Agency and the Adlon group.

Farhad Khaghani is a cognitive behavioral therapist and operations manager at Noaks Ark in Småland & Halland. Among other things, he talks about the importance of different cultural backgrounds when it comes to HIV.

Björn Malmquist was previously a cognitive psychotherapist at Noaks Ark Stockholm. Here he talks about how people can react when they find out they have HIV and how to deal with their emotions.

Anna-Mia Ekström is an infectious disease doctor and HIV researcher at Karolinska Institutet. Here she explains how HIV is and is not transitioned. How does the virus attack the body? How does the treatment work? What are common misconceptions about HIV and people who are living with HIV?

The artist Andreas Lundstedt talks about his reaction when he found out that he had HIV and the concern he felt about how those around him would react if they found out. He confronts misconceptions and thinks people need to learn more about the disease.

To leave the fear behind

Join Caroline Odera back to her home village in Kenya. Her intention was to inform and talk to the people in the village that is living whit HIV. She wanted to start a discussion about the taboo surrounding the subject of HIV. But when she arrived at her village, she is met with resistance regarding her openness on the subject of HIV. This film displays the fear of being alone that many HIV-positive people testify to in a nuanced and insightful way.

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You can turn to our counseling and ask any questions you want regarding HIV or other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases and remain completely anonymous. The call is not registered on your phone bill.

We who answer the phones have over 30 years of experience working with HIV. We are available for you on non-holiday weekdays between 10 am and 12 pm. During week 29 and week 30, we are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


